Brenda S. Anderson

Brenda S. Anderson, author | The Mosaic Collection


Everyone has their own life story that brings them to where they are in life and molds their beliefs and opinions. The problem is, we live in a reactionary world where we don't stop and listen to what others are saying, and too often we're not willing to really hear the other person's side of the story. Rather, we react to their statement or opinion by pointing fingers, and we’re quick to not only say, "You're wrong" but we often resort to name calling. We don’t stop and listen to this person whom God loves.

In each of my books, God has placed heroes/heroines on my heart that I would normally struggle with and want to tell them, "You're wrong!": a pro-choice woman, an arrogant businessman, a bully, mugger, collection agent, to name a few. With each character, God has told me, "I love them. I want you to see the heart that I see." And that's what I've tried to convey in my books. Open up our ears and our eyes to see who God sees, hears, and loves.

See the heart that God sees and loves!

I’ve always tried to be a listener, but this message was planted in my heart when I began writing my first novel, Chain of Mercy. In the story, my heroine is staunchly pro-choice, having had abortions herself, but that wasn’t something I could relate to. If I couldn’t relate to it, my readers certainly wouldn’t have empathy toward my character.

So I contacted a good friend who holds very strong pro-abortion views and asked if she’d be willing to share her story with me. It was my prayer when listening to her that God would open my ears, eyes, and heart so I could really see and hear the broken person seated across from me, a person He loves fiercely! And that I would offer no judgment, just love and empathy. And she freely told her story.

That experience really opened my eyes to look beyond the person’s facade, and see the broken heart inside that God sees and loves. I don’t always succeed, but I continuously strive for it.

Brenda Anderson keeps you glued to each page, anticipating each new chapter and never being disappointed - full of life lessons; difficult ones and delightful ones.

~ DG Schauberger

Spotlight on Brenda

Favorite Things

  • Lake Superior
  • Silence
  • Laughing and spending time with family
  • Reading (of course!)
  • Musical theater (attending, not acting in)
  • Singing with a small ensemble
  • Chocolate!
  • Baseball
  • Encouraging and helping others
  • The haunting coo of a mourning dove

TBR List

  • Fragments of Fear by Carrie Stuart Parks 
  • We Hope for Better Things by Erin Bartels
  • The Noble Guardian by Michelle Griep
  • Synapse by Steven James
  • Living Lies by Natalie Walters

Favorite place to read
It doesn’t happen often, but sitting by the shore of Lake Superior. That’s my favorite place, period!

Favorite quote or Bible verse
This is ever changing! Right now my favorite verse is Isaiah 43:19a: Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

Favorite character you’ve created
The main character in my first release and series, Richard Brooks. I loved his journey from broken man to bold Christ follower. Though his series is complete, he still makes random appearances in subsequent books because I just can’t say goodbye!

Mosaic titles

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